
Jannah is a magazine theme developed by the TieLabs, an Envato Power Elite Author. It is a template designed with a responsive and retina ready layout. You can choose from pre-defined demos, unlimited header styles, built-in Ajax Mega Menus, Block Layouts, Slider Styles, and more. The Jannah theme is AMP compatible, this option makes the page loading even faster on mobile, and improves the search engine ranking. Another great feature is the backend Page Builder that includes many blocks you can use to create beautiful pages. The Jannah template has RTL support.

Lisa Jones
Editor-in-chief of WPion. 100% passionate about WordPress, Lisa is part time web developer and part time front-end designer. With a master's degree in computer science, she is specialized in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL and PHP. Lisa uses her knowledge and experience to offer you a complete analysis of WordPress most popular themes and plugins.