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XStore Theme Review

Newspaper Theme Review

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Read reviewNewspaper 10 WordPress ThemeRead review
CategoryWooCommerceNews / Blog / Magazine / Editorial / Multi-purpose
Envato elite authorYesYes
Tested version4.119.6.1
COMPATIBILITY Content width1170 pxFull Width
Browser compatibilityIE8+ / IE9+ / IE10+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / EdgeIE8+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / Edge
FONTS AND TRANSLATION Integrated translation-Yes
Google fontsYesYes
Custom fontsYesYes
Typekit fonts-Yes
RTL supportYes-
POST FEATURES Video posts-Yes
Audio posts-Yes
Post templates-69
Review system-Yes
Post view counter-Yes
Smart lists-Yes
Social share-Yes
Custom image lightbox-Yes
Custom image galery-Yes
PAGE FEATURES Page templates14180
Header styles1315
Footer styles414
Category layouts-16
Masonry layout--
Mega menusYesYes
Sticky menuYesYes
Sticky sidebars-Yes
Social networksYesYes
Social counter-Yes
Video playlists-Yes
Instagram widgetYesYes
Currency widget-Yes
Pinterest widget-Yes
Weather widget-Yes
Portfolio styles2-
PRODUCT FEATURES Product Page Templates3-
Customer ReviewsYes-
Order tracking--
Filter productsYes-
Shop Page Layout1-
Product Category Layouts5-
WooCommerce block elements17-
Check-out page templates1-
WooCommerce version3.2-
Premium page builderVisual Composer-
OTHER FEATURES Mobile theme-Yes
Demos included6180
SEO optimizedYesYes
Custom Theme Updater--
ADS Ad system-Yes
Adsense support-Yes
Background image ad-Yes
Custom ads-Yes
PERFORMANCE CSS file size491 kb1,10 MB
Overall speedMediumVery high
Performance documentation-Yes
USER EXPERIENCE Total ratings3376063
User rating
DESIGN Responsive designYesYes
Retina readyYesYes
DOCUMENTATION Difficulty-Beginner
Explicit screen shots-Yes
Video tutorials-Yes
Search option-Yes
Extra documentation-Yes
PREMIUM PLUGINS PluginsVisual Composer, Slider Revolution, WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates, Like 2 Discount, Massive Addons for Visual Composer, Smart Product Viewer 360, WooCommerce Infinite Scroll and Ajax Pagination, WPML Plugin, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium PlugintagDiv Composer, tagDiv Cloud Library, tagDiv Social Counter, tagDiv Newsletter, tagDiv Mobile Theme, Official AMP for WP, tagDiv Standard Pack, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Page Builder
VALUE Price$49$59
Value for the moneyVery goodExcellent
Overall score78%96%
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