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Real Homes Theme Review

SimpleMag Theme Review

SimpleMag Theme Review

Read reviewRead reviewRead review
CategoryReal EstateNews / Blog / MagazineNews / Blog / Magazine
AuthorInspiry ThemesThemes IndepThemes Indep
Envato elite authorYesYesYes
Tested version3.
COMPATIBILITY Content width1200 px1172 px1172 px
Browser compatibilityIE9+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / EdgeIE9+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / EdgeIE9+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / Edge
FONTS AND TRANSLATION Integrated translation---
Google fontsYesYesYes
Custom fonts-YesYes
Typekit fonts-YesYes
RTL supportYesYesYes
POST FEATURES Video posts-YesYes
Audio posts-YesYes
Post templates-44
Review system-YesYes
Post view counter---
Smart lists---
Social share-YesYes
Custom image lightbox---
Custom image galery-YesYes
PAGE FEATURES Page templates2433
Header styles133
Footer styles111
Category layouts-44
Masonry layout-YesYes
Mega menus-YesYes
Sticky menuYesYesYes
Sticky sidebars-YesYes
Social networksYesYesYes
Social counter---
Video playlists---
Instagram widget---
Currency widget---
Pinterest widget---
Weather widget---
Custom Page BuilderVisual Composer--
OTHER FEATURES Mobile theme---
Demos included211
SEO optimizedYesYesYes
Custom Theme Updater---
IDX plugin compatibilitydsIDXprss--
Google mapsYes--
Geo location---
Street viewYes--
Front-end property submissionsYes--
Floor plansYes--
Paid membership / submissions---
Property layouts1--
Agent layouts1--
Compare propertiesYes--
Child properties---
Property reviews---
Custom post types1--
Custom slider---
ADS Ad system-YesYes
Adsense support-YesYes
Background image ad---
Custom ads-YesYes
PERFORMANCE CSS file size456 kb142 kb142 kb
Overall speedMediumMediumMedium
Performance documentationYesYesYes
USER EXPERIENCE Total ratings946773773
User rating
DESIGN Responsive designYesYesYes
Retina readyYesYesYes
DOCUMENTATION DifficultyMediumBeginnerBeginner
ExplanationsDetailedLess DetailedLess Detailed
Explicit screen shotsYesYesYes
Video tutorials-YesYes
Search optionYes--
Extra documentationYes--
PREMIUM PLUGINS PluginsVisual Composer, Revolution Slider, Quick and Easy Testimonials, Mortgage CalculatorShortcodes IndepShortcodes Indep
VALUE Price$59$59$59
Value for the moneyGoodVery goodVery good
Overall score79%78%78%
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