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Kallyas Theme Review

Massive Dynamic Theme Review

BeTube Theme Review

Kallyas Featured ImageRead reviewRead reviewRead review
CategoryMulti-purposeMulti-purposeBlog / Magazine
Envato elite authorYesYesYes
Tested version4.
COMPATIBILITY Content widthFull widthFull Width1200 px
Browser compatibilityIE8+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / EdgeIE10+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / EdgeIE11+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / Edge
FONTS AND TRANSLATION Integrated translationYes--
Google fontsYesYesYes
Custom fontsYes--
Typekit fonts---
RTL supportYesYesYes
Preview typography--Yes
POST FEATURES Video postsYesYesYes
Audio postsYesYesYes
Post templates113
Review system---
Post view counter--Yes
Smart lists---
Social shareYesYesYes
Custom image lightboxYesYes-
Custom image galeryYesYes-
Video lightbox--Yes
Link postYes--
PAGE FEATURES Page templates4-23
Header styles1658
Footer styles221
Masonry layoutYesYes-
Mega menusYesYes-
Sticky menuYesYesYes
Sticky sidebars---
Social networksYesYesYes
Social counter---
Video playlists---
Instagram widget-Yes-
Custom Page BuilderVisual BuilderMassive Builder-
Portfolio styles33-
Responsive layoutBreakpointsBreakpoints-
Blog layouts3--
Menu styles11-
Dual SidebarsYesYes-
Video slider---
Homepage Layout--10
OTHER FEATURES Demos included53471
SEO optimizedYesYesYes
Custom Theme UpdaterYes--
ADS Ad system---
Adsense support---
Custom adsYesYes-
PERFORMANCE CSS file size543kb386kb508 kb
Overall speedMediumHighSlow
Performance documentationYes--
USER EXPERIENCE Total ratings257736516
User rating
DESIGN Responsive designYesYesYes
Retina readyYesYesYes
DOCUMENTATION DifficultyBeginnerBeginnerBeginner
Explicit screen shotsYesYesYes
Video tutorialsYesYesYes
Search optionYesYes-
Extra documentationYes--
PREMIUM PLUGINS PluginsPostLove plugin, Revolution Slider, Cute SliderMassive Dynamic Shortcodes, Master Slider Pro, Pixflow Portfolio, Slider Revolution, Visual Composer, Go PricingLayer Slider, Dailymotion Auto Poster, BeTube Helper
VALUE Price$69$59$49
Value for the moneyGoodGoodVery good
Overall score78%76%78%
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